Count: 1-2-3-4
 (Same movements for RIGHT or LEFT Vine)
 1. Step LEFT to left
 2. Step RIGHT behind LEFT,
 3. Step Left to left.
 4. May be a touch, hook, or kick.

Foot of one leg is raised and crossed over the other leg just below the knee. Toes are pointing down.
Legs will look like a “4” or a backwards 4 depending on whether it is a right or left hook.

Knee is raised straight up so leg forms an upside down L shape. The bottom part of leg hangs straight down from the knee and top part of leg is parallel to the ground.

 SHUFFLE (Called TRIPLE STEP when in place))
 Count: 1 & 2
3 steps to 2 counts of music. It can move forward, backward, or to either side. It can also be done in
place.  It is actually a step-ball-step.
 Ex:       1 Step forward on R foot
              & Step ball of L foot next to R foot
              2 Step forward on R foot

One foot touches the ground usually next to the other foot. Weight is on the other foot. The foot in the touch will be used next.

Scuffs are done with the heel. Foot swings forward with just the heel touching the ground. Brushes
are done with the ball of the foot and can be done across, forward, backward.

 JAZZ SQUARE  (Also called JAZZ BOX)
 Count: 1-2-3-4
4 count move. One of the counts is a crossing step. It can be the 1st or 2nd count.
 Ex:     Step forward R. Cross step L over R
            Step back on R Step L next to R.
            Cross step R over L. Step back on L.
            Step back on R. Step L next to R.
 Jazz squares can be done to either side, left or right.

 Count: 1-2
2 count move. Touch one toe forward on the first count. Pivoting on the ball of the other foot, you
 turn on the 2nd count. Weight will end on the stationary foot which is forward after the pivot.
       If you put your LEFT toe forward you will turn RIGHT. If you put your RIGHT toe forward, you will
turn Left. Pivots are usually 1/4 or ½-turn.

STOMP-UP weight remains on the other foot.
STOMP DOWN weight is taken by the foot you stomped.

 Count: 1-2
There are two kinds:  
HEEL-TOE strut: touch the heel first and drop the toe second
TOE-HEEL strut: touch the toe first and drop the heel second.

(May be 4-8 counts/steps)
A sideways move in which one foot will cross alternately in front and behind the other foot. Weaves
can be  several counts long and can start either with a side step, a cross in front or a cross behind.
Ex:  Step R to side, cross L in front, step R to side, cross L behind, step R to side.....etc. 

Weight is on the balls of both feet. Heels are moved either right or left and then usually back to
center.Toes stay in place.  Ex:Twist heels right, center, left, center

With weight on toes, heels are spread apart and back together.

With weight on heels, toes are spread apart and back together.

Walks may be forward or backward.

With weight on one foot, the toe of the other foot is moved out to the side and back. This is also a 2
count move.

 Count: 1- 2
2 count move. You step forward, back, or side on one foot on count 1 with weight on it. The
stationary foot will lift slightly off the floor. On count 2 you shift the weight to the other foot.

 Count 1 & 2
3 step move to 2 counts of music. 1&2, 3&4, etc.
 Ex:      1. Step L foot behind the R
             & Step ball of R to right side
             2 Step L next to R

 Count: & 2
Step down on the ball of one foot raising other foot. Step down on other foot. (A shuffle is really a step- ball-step.)  Can be done on either foot.
 Ex:      & Step on ball of R next to L raising L
             2 Step on L next to R

 Count: 1& 2
3 step move to 2 counts of music It can be done on either foot
 Ex:     1. Kick R forward ( or touch R heel fwd)
            & Step of ball of R next to L raising L
            2. Step on L next to R

 Count: 1& 2
3 step move to 2 counts of music
A back coaster steps back first.
 Ex:      1 Step back on L
             & Step R back next to L
             2 Step forward on L
A forward coaster steps forward first:
 Ex:      1 Step forward on L.
             & Step R fwd next to L
             2 Step back on L 

 Count 1-2-3-4
4 count move. It is usually done starting on the right. Touch R to right side. Bring R in
 as you  make a 1/2 turn to the right, pivoting on the ball of the L,  and step it next to the L foot. Touch
the L to the left side.   Step L next to R. The half-turn
 Ex:      1 Touch R toe to right
             2 Pivoting 1/2 to right, bring R next to L and step on it.
             3-4 Touch L toe to L, step L next to R 

Usually a 2 count move. Cross one foot over the other stepping down on it. Turn 1/2 turn
 on balls of both  feet so feet are uncrossed. Most are 1/2 but there are 3/4 and full turn spins. Weight  can end on either foot.
Check dance sheet. 
 Ex:      1. Cross R over L putting weight on it.
            2. Unwind1/2 to left on balls of both feet.

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Basic Line Dance Terminology

Most dances fall into one of four categories –One step, Two Step, Cha Cha or Waltz. One step, Two Step and Cha Cha dance steps are counted in groups of eight (8 beats to the bar of music). The steps of the dances are counted individually as straight rhythm e.g. 1,2,3,4 or in syncopated time
e.g. 1&2, 3&4 or &1, &2, &3, &4, &5, &6, &7, &8. The Waltz is counted in groups of six (6 beats to the bar). The dance steps are counted individually as straight rhythm e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or in syncopated time e.g. 1,2&3, 4,5&6.

Straight Rhythm Steps

Each movement executed counts as one beat of music.
Straight Rhythm Steps can be danced with either the right or left foot leading.
Just change the left for right or right for left!

Step (1 count) place foot on floor and take weight onto it
Right vine (4 counts) step right foot to side, step left foot behind right, step right foot to side (touch or stomp or hitch or kick or ... with left foot)
Left vine (4 counts) step left foot to side, step right foot behind left, step left foot to side (touch or stomp or hitch or kick or ... with right foot)
Touch or tap (1 count) touch toe or heel to ground but don’t put any weight on it
Brush (1 count) brush foot forward and upwards past the foot you are standing on
Scuff (1 count) as brush but make contact with ball and heel on floor
Hook (1 count) lift foot and cross in front of supporting leg
Toe fan (1 count) move the toe out while keeping heel in contact with the floor
Stomp (1 count) stomp your foot on the floor and take weight on it
Stamp (1 count) stamp your foot on the floor and do not take weight on it
Heel fan (1 count) move the heel out while keeping ball of foot in contact with floor
Heel splits (2 counts) keep weight on balls of feet move both heel out at the same time and then back together
Hop (1 count) spring into the air taking off and landing with same foot
Jump (1 count) jump forward or backward taking off and landing with both feet at the same time
Hitch (1 count) to lift the knee
Rock (1 count) to transfer weight from one foot to the other
Slide (1 count) to draw one foot next to the supporting foot
Heel strut (2 counts) place heel on floor then toe onto floor taking weight onto foot
Toe strut (2 counts) place toe on floor then heel onto floor taking weight onto foot
Left ½ pivot (2 counts) step forward on right foot, keeping weight on ball of left foot make a ½ turn over your left shoulder so that you end up with your  weight on your left foot and facing the wall that was behind you
Right ½ pivot (2 counts) step forward on left foot, keeping weight on ball of right foot make a ½ turn over your right shoulder so that you end up with  your weight on your right foot facing the wall that was behind you
¼ or ¾ pivot (2 counts) are executed in the same way but make ¼ or ¾ turn to the appropriate wall
Weave left (4 counts) step right foot across in front of left, step left foot to left side, step right foot back behind left, step left foot to left side
Weave right (4 counts) step left foot across in front of right, step right to right side, step left foot back behind right, step right foot to right side.
Jazz box (4 counts) step right foot across in front of left, step left foot back, step right foot to right side, step left foot next to left. Also done leading with left foot i.e. start by crossing left in front of right
½ Monterey turn (4 counts) touch right toe to right side, on ball of left foot make ½ turn over your right shoulder and step onto your right foot, touch left toe out to the side, step left foot next to right. Also done leading with left foot i.e. start by touching left toe to left side
¼ or ¾ Monterey (4 counts) are also executed in the same way but make a ¼ or ¾ turn to the appropriate wall
Rocking chair (4 counts) rock right foot forward, recover on the left, rock right foot back, recover on the left
ip bumps bump hips to the right, left, backwards or forwards in time to the music
Rumba box (1) step right foot forward, (2) touch left toe next to right,(3) step left to left side, (4) step right next to left, (5) step left foot back, (6)touch  right toe next to left, (7)step right to right side, (8) touch left toe next to right
Charleston steps (1) touch right toe forward, (2) step right foot next to left, (3) touch left toe back, (4) step left foot next to right
Heel swivets (1) fan right toe to right and left heel to left (2) return feet to place change weight to left heel and right toe, (3) fan left toe to left and  right heel to right, (4) return feet to place
Cross unwind (1) cross right toe in front of (or behind) left foot, (2) unwind on balls of feet to take weight onto right foot (can be ¼, ½, ¾, or full turn)
Scissor step  (1) step right foot to right side, (2) return weight to left foot, (3) cross step right foot in front of left, (4) hold for one beat (can also be  syncopated  – count is 1&2&)
Rolling vine (1) step right making ¼ turn right, (2) 1/4 turn on the ball of right foot stepping left to left side, (3) pivot ½ turn on ball of left foot stepping  right foot to right (touch or stomp or hitch or kick or ... with right foot)
Heel grinds (1) step right heel forward, toe pointing left, (2) grind right heel into floor, fanning toes to right and taking weight
Knee pops (1) with weight on left bend right knee in towards left leg, (2) straighten right knee and bend left knee in towards right leg

Syncopated Steps

Each movement executed counts as one or one-half beat of music.
Syncopated Steps can be danced with either the right or left foot leading.
Just change the left for right or right for left!

Cha cha or triple step (1) step right (&) step left (2) step right on the spot
Forward shuffle (1) step  right foot forward, (&) step left foot to right heel, (2) step right foot forward
Backward shuffle (1) step right foot back, (&) step left foot back to right toe, (2) step right foot back
Chasse (1) step right foot to right side, (&) step left foot next to right foot, (2) step right foot to right side
Coaster step (1) step right foot back, (&) step left foot back next to right, (2) step right foot forward
Sailor step (1) step right foot back behind left foot, (&) step left foot next to right (2) step right foot to right side
Kick ball change (1) kick right foot forward, (&) step onto ball of right foot next to left foot and lift left foot slightly off the floor, (2) replace left foot onto
 floor on the same spot
Lock steps forward (1) step forward on right foot, (2) step left foot behind right foot, (2) step forward on right foot
Lock steps back (1) step back on right foot, (2) step left foot in front of right foot, (2) step back on right foot
Toe switches (1) touch right toe to right side, (&) step right foot in place, (2) touch left toe to left side, (&) step left foot in place
Heel switches touch right heel to right side, (&) step right foot in place, (2) touch left heel to left side, (&) step left foot in place
Apple jacks (1) with weight on right toe and left heel turn right heel left and left toe left, (&) both feet back to centre ready to change weight, (2)with  weight on right heel and left toe turn right toe right and left heel right, (&) both feet back to centre ready to change weight
Running man (1) step forward right foot (&) hitch right knee and scoot right foot back, (2) step forward left foot (&) hitch left knee and scoot left foot back
Lindy or Lindi (1) step right foot to right side, (&) step left foot beside right, (2) step right foot to right side, (3) rock left foot behind right, (4) recover on right

Waltz Steps

Each movement executed counts as one or one-half beat of music.
Waltz Steps can be danced with either the right or left foot leading.
Just change the left for right or right for left!
The majority of waltz steps begin on the left foot.
All of the following example counts are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Basic waltz step forward (1) Step L foot forward, (2) step R foot next to left, (3) step L foot beside right
Basic waltz step back (1) Step R foot back, (2) step L foot beside right, (3) recover on R
Waltz Weave (1) Step L foot over right, (2) step R foot to right, (3) step L behind right
Waltz Vine (1) Step L foot to left, (2) cross R foot behind left, (3) step L foot to left
Twinkle Step (1) Cross L foot over right, (2) step R foot to right side, (3) recover on L
Rhonde turn (1,2) sweep right toe in front of left as you make ½ turn left on ball of left foot, (3) touch right toe next to left

Helpful Hints

There are many variations of line dance moves out there.
The more dance moves you learn, the more confident you will become.
Just remember to have fun, learn all you can and practice, practice, practice!